We know you all can’t get enough of him, so this season you’ll be getting DOUBLE THE WHIPPY SHOW! Jacques Ze Whipper will be performing not one, but TWO, After Hours Shows this season! Mark your calendars for May 18 AND 25 after our faire day closes for all of the French humor, honking Jacques’ horn, and getting him to improvise whippy lyrics to your favorite songs! Daredevil extraordinaire Ses Carny will also be joining him as they perform their Secret Show!
We are also happy to announce a brand new After Hours Show! She be small, but she be mighty! She has toured the country performing at renaissance faires and performance venues for years! Now, the Tiny Girl Big Show will capstone our third weekend!
You know them! You love them! You love to buy them a drink! As is tradition, the Righteous Blackguards will be our finale After Hours show for the 2024 season! Who knows what shenanigans and tomfoolery the boys will be up to this time?! You’ll have to come to the show to find out!